Format Numeric Data in NUX and in Module

This is similar to the below but more blown out -

It would be useful to have a format function for converting values to text that worked in a similar way to the TEXT function in Excel.<\/p>


The Function would be FORMAT(Value,\"How to Format\",\"Alignment\")<\/p>

e.g Value is 1000.0002 and when converted to text the decimals should not be displayed and left-align the result<\/p>

FORMAT(Value,\"#,##0\",\"L\") = 1,000<\/p>


eg Value is 0.10234 and when converted to text it should be displayed as a % with 1 decimal place and right-align the result<\/p>

FORMAT(value,\"0.0%,\"R\") = 10.2%<\/p>


Dashboards and Visualization<\/a><\/p>

Calculation Functions<\/a><\/p>

New UX<\/a><\/p>","bodyRaw":"

It would be useful to have a format function for converting values to text that worked in a similar way to the TEXT function in Excel.<\/P>


The Function would be FORMAT(Value,\"How to Format\",\"Alignment\")<\/P>

e.g Value is 1000.0002 and when converted to text the decimals should not be displayed and left-align the result<\/P>

FORMAT(Value,\"#,##0\",\"L\") = 1,000<\/P>


eg Value is 0.10234 and when converted to text it should be displayed as a % with 1 decimal place and right-align the result<\/P>

FORMAT(value,\"0.0%,\"R\") = 10.2%<\/P>


Dashboards and Visualization<\/A><\/P>

Calculation Functions<\/A><\/P>

New UX<\/A><\/P>","format":"html","dateInserted":"2021-01-21T04:16:37+00:00","insertUser":{"userID":46182,"name":"TimWard70","url":"https:\/\/\/profile\/TimWard70","photoUrl":"https:\/\/\/6037036\/av\/46182.jpeg","dateLastActive":"2023-06-21T11:47:52+00:00","banned":0,"punished":0,"private":false,"label":""},"displayOptions":{"showUserLabel":false,"showCompactUserInfo":true,"showDiscussionLink":true,"showPostLink":true,"showCategoryLink":false,"renderFullContent":false,"expandByDefault":false},"url":"https:\/\/\/discussion\/95637\/format-function-control-how-values-are-converted-to-text-and-displayed-in-the-grid","embedType":"quote","name":"FORMAT Function - Control how values are converted to text and displayed in the grid","embedStyle":"rich_embed_card"}">

I have a requirement to better format a View to enhance a viewer's experience in a specific order with specific formatting on a line item based off of a line item subset.

Unfortunately, a singular Number line item cannot both be formatted to show 1000's and % at the same time, so if I have -

Total Revenue 1,200
Total Cost & Expense 1,000
Income 200
Stakeholder Margin 16.66%
Revenue Per Person 10

To accomplish the above today, I create a module based on a Line Item Subset, then add an "Amount" field based on a COLLECT() and format it as text. By formatting it as text, it left justifies everything making the numbers look off.

Creating additional line item for the purpose of this report is not an option, all items must fit into a single field with the line item subset as the rows and the Amount field as Columns. (over time).

一个简单的解决方案my problem is to allow me to choose how to justify my Text field. A more robust option could be to allow me to set formatting on a per line item (in a line item subset) basis within the NUX, or to allow me to choose how to justify the data. Right now you can only choose how to justify the headers and not the underlying data cells in the NUX.

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