Anaplan Connect Quick Start Guide - Windows Installation

This Anaplan Connect Quick Start guide is specifically for the Microsoft Windows platform. Its purpose is to help you swiftly set up and get started with Anaplan Connect. Please follow the steps below to guide you through the installation process. If you are utilizing macOS, kindly refer to theAnaplan Connect Quickstart for macOS.

Step #1: Check to see if Java is installed.

  1. In your Microsoft Windows environment, open a Windows Command Prompt (cmd.exe) and enter the following:
    java -version
  2. If you receive a similar message, then Java is not installed.
  3. Please proceed to Step #2

Step #2: Install Java (via automatic installer)

  1. Open the URL:
  2. Please note the following:
    1. The browser will detect your operating system and try to download the latest version of Azul Open JDK (Java Development Kit). At the time this article was published, the latest version is 17.0.7.
    2. The downloaded file will be a Microsoft Software Installer (MSI) file that will need to be run.
  3. Run the downloaded MSI file. Note that you may require administrative privileges in order to install the file. If you cannot install it, please follow the instructions in the next section,第三步:安装Java(通过手工deployment).
  4. An Installation Wizard will start displaying the following (or similar screens):
    1. Launch Azul Zule JDK Installer
    2. Accept the default.
    3. Select "Yes".
    4. Wait until the installation is complete.
    5. Confirm that the installation completed successfully
  5. Assuming the installation was successful, open anewWindows Command Prompt (cmd.exe) and enter the following:
    java -version
    If the installation is successful, the following will appear:
  6. Open the Windows File Explorer and navigate to the drive letter “C:\”.
  7. Create a new directory called “automation” just under the C Drive.
    Note: If preferable, this can be done in another drive or location, but please substitute your location with the locations in these instructions.


  1. Open the URL:
  2. Select the following:
    1. Operating System: Windows
    2. Architecture: x64
    3. Package Type: JRE
    4. Version: 17
  3. Download the “.zip” file.
  4. Open the Windows File Explorer and navigate to the “C:\”.
  5. Create a new directory called “automation” just under the C Drive.
    Note: If preferable, this can be done in another drive or location, but please substitute your location with the locations in these instructions.
  6. Create a new directory under “automation” called “java” and move the downloaded file to this location.
  7. Right-click on the file and choose “Extract All”.
  8. 接受默认位置提取文件。
  9. Once the extraction is complete, navigate to where the “java.exe” is located.
  10. Click in the File Path and copy the full path to the clipboard.
  11. Open anewWindows Command Prompt (cmd.exe) and change the directory to the location where the “java.exe” is located. This can easily be done by typingcdand pasting it from the file path saved in the clipboard.
  12. Enter the following to check if Java launches correctly:
    java -version
  13. If the manual deployment was successful, the following will appear:

Step #4: Download and Deploy Anaplan Connect

  1. Open the URL:
  2. Scroll to the section “Anaplan Connect (API client)” and download the “Latest” release. Optionally, download the corresponding User Guide.
  3. Move the file “” (this version may vary) under a new directory named “anaplan-connect” under the “automation” directory.
  4. Right-click on the file “” and choose “Extract All”.
  5. Accept the default location to extract the files:
  6. Once the extraction is complete, navigate to where the “AnaplanClient.bat” is located.
  7. Click in the File Path and copy the full path to the clipboard.
  8. Open a Windows Command Prompt (cmd.exe) and change the directory to the location where the “AnaplanClient.bat” is located. This can easily be done by typingcdand then pasting it from the file path saved in the clipboard.
  9. If you had to install Java via the manual deployment, then the following extra step is required:
    1. From the Command prompt, type in:
      notepad.exe AnaplanClient.bat
    2. Edit the line starting withset JAVA=and add the full path to the “java.exe” file. Please be sure to include thejava.exein the path like the following example:
    3. Save the edited file and close Notepad.
  10. Check if Anaplan Connect is successfully deployed. At the Command Prompt, ensure you are in the directoryc:\automation\anaplan-connect\anaplan_connect_4.2.1and type in
  11. If the following is returned, then Anaplan Connect was successfully deployed:

Author: Quin Eddy,@QuinE- Director of Data Integration, Operational Excellence Group (OEG)
